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Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University RESULTS

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C Program to print the pattern X X Y X Y Z ........................................................................................ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main () { int i , j ; for ( i= 88 ; i< 91 ;i ++) { for ( j = 88 ;j <= i ; j ++) { printf ( "%c" , j );                    }           printf ( "\n" ); } getch (); } ........................................................................................ OUTPUT

RESULT DDU Gorakhpur 2016

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University   Check Your Result click Here  B. Sc. Part-II 26-MAY-2016   M.Sc.(Ag.) Genetics & Plant Breeding (Final) 26-MAY-2016   M.Sc. ( Agriculture ) (Agricultural Economics ) - I 26-MAY-2016   B.A. Part-II 26-MAY-2016   B.A. Part-I 24-MAY-2016   B.A. Part-III 16-MAY-2016   B.Com. Part-III 16-MAY-2016   B.Sc. Home Science-I 16-MAY-2016   B.Sc. Home Science-II 16-MAY-2016   B.Sc. Home Science-III 16-MAY-2016   M.A Economics-Final 16-MAY-2016   M.A Hindi-Prev 16-MAY-2016   M.A Hindi-Final 16-MAY-2016   M.A History-Prev 16-MAY-2016   M.A. Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture (Previous) 12-MAY-2016   M.A. Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture (Final) 12-MAY-2016   B.Com.- I Year 12-MAY-201...